Friday 27 January 2012

Understanding Bereavement (Test)

This is a test for a series of animations concerning mental health and emotional well being aimed at children. The animation is based on a comic strip produced by Liquid Designs for SMILE (Supporting Minds In a Learning Environment).                                                                                                 

Bereavement Intro

I took me about 12 hours to do in total (including storyboarding, getting refrence material and recording sound).

Friday 20 January 2012

Cute Monster 2.0 Textured

After a week of mainly being ill, I have finnished texturing Alek. I've still not quite got to grips with normal map transfers (see below) but I'm liking how the diffuse and specular have turned out.

 high and low poly versions of Alek the 'Cute Monster'

I think he is ready to be left for a bit untill I come back and animate him. I was really struggling with having "Cute Monster" hanging over me. Trying to finnish a character that I was never particularly happy with was difficult, but I think I actually like Alek now.

And below is the result of high poly normals transferred onto the low poly mesh, I am not entirely sure why is looks so awful, but I think I need to build up my confidence in areas of animation that I am actually good at before I come back to figuring out high to low poly normal maps. Or hopefully someone will just show me how to do it.

normal maps transfer failure

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Return to Cute Monster 2.0

Well, I got pretty sick of this character after having lots of problems with its normals. But after a break, and realising how much I need to learn to texture properly, I gave it another go. And this time, instead of using Photoshop, I got myself some Mudbox! I'm really enjoying being able to paint directly onto the model, although my poor old computer finds it hard to deal with the program, so I often have to paint blind and wait for my computer to catch up. So after modifying the topology slightly, re-mapping the UV's  and a couple of quick colour scheme sketches, here is what I have.

  UV map


the centre colour scheme is my favourie, so thats the one I'm going to work on tomorrow

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Side-Scrolling Racer Mockup

So these are 2 of my ideas for the art style for a sidescrolling racing game.They were part of a pitch to be the artist for a game someone had already created the mechanics for. I didn't get the job but I kinda like these ideas.

mountainous desert setting, character is a desert rabbit

circus with an elephant riding a bike

penny farthing racer