Wednesday 23 February 2011

Animation Sequences

The gull animation in sequence.

It took me about 3 or 4 hours to animate and an inordinate amount of time to try an find a way to get the images in a format dan could use for the game (I drew the elements in illustrator, animated them in flash then lined them up in sequence in photoshop).

Oh, and this was useful advice for animating birds.

Mouth chewing animation.

And the reference I used for that was.


And these are the birds that I am going to animate that act as items you need to collect (eat) in each stage.

Tuesday 22 February 2011


These are the assets for the parallax shift and so far its looking pretty sweet. I was thinking that the 2-tone cloud would work nicely with a gradual colour shift as the sky is going to be a massive gradient (sea level bright blue to space).

Friday 11 February 2011

iPad Game Project

I am also currently working with a friend (DanFountain) to develop an iPad game. Basically I am doing the visuals and he is doing the technical things. right at the moment I am working on background, and here is my mood board for it.

and basic colour scheme again using kuler.

and here is the actual character as it is, and will probably not change before the game is finnished.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Roodey Model

So, here's the model I submitted for my character design project.

I am happy with the concept and the model, but it was pretty tough to learn how to unwrap UV's and create good looking texture, specular and normal maps in a couple of days. So I feel I could do a much better job if given another week, I guess it will get redone if I have a lull in my workload before the end of the year, if not, then after exams. I did also pose the model, but am not very happy with it, and so hopefully soon I will give it a basic rig to pose him in character.

I would highly recommend using roadkill to unwrap UVs. I had never unwrapped UVs before and it did not take very much time at all to learn.

Saturday 5 February 2011

Old Shoes

I love these shoes, but now they have to be replaced.


I came up with a lot of silhouettes on my way to getting the Final design, I was about to cut some of the nicer ones out and put them into my 'inspiration' sketchbook, but then I found some acetate and thought it might be fun to copy the silhouettes with simple pen strokes.