Monday 31 October 2011

BIMA Awards 2011 Nomination & Business Card

Well, in a couple of weeks time Dan and myself will be going to the BIMA (British Interactive Media Association) Awards 2011. The reason being that Octopult was nominated for the student award! The Awards will be announced on November 10th.

As this will be a great place to network, I spent today designing an Octopult-y business card to gets myself a job.

I hope you noticed the fancy QR code, which should take you too either the Octopult web page, or my showreel. With the help of Kaywa it took seconds to make. I'm hoping that the size of the QR code doesnt matter, but as it worked for my phone I should be safe.

Get a 10% discount for your moo purchase if you follow this link.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Cute Monster 2.0 Modeling & UVs

So after putting my character on polycount, I got some feedback about what could be improved. And here is what I have so far.

Cute Monster 2.0 unsmoothed 1527 verts

I was mainly looking at the hands and feet, modelling them so that there would be nice deffinition when smoothed. I also removed unnessecary edgeloops, gave the body and eyes better definiton and changed the proportions of the legs to more resemble the characters arms.

I also gave him a name.....its Alek.

The texture will be symetrical so each half is directly ontop of its opposite side. I put the underside of the carapace segments ontop of eachother as they ideally wont be seen.


Tuesday 4 October 2011

Cute Monster Textured

It took around 8 hours to unwrap the UV's using UVLayout (not my favourite UV unwrapper, but you cant get Roadkill for Macs, and the demo is free). A further 8 hours to paint the texture.

1k diffuse multiplied with AO from low poly model

textured model (centre 2 are with smoothed mesh)