Wednesday 25 May 2011

Own Little World Finished

My major project this year has been an animated short going by the name of "Own Little World". It explores the wonder of playing and escapism, mixed with a childlike naivety concerning grief and loss.

As we are going to wait a while before we release it online ( film festivals like to be the first place where a film is screened, and we would like to submit it to as many as we can). Here are some stills so that you can get a flavour of it.

I was part of the group of four, the other BACVA students that were involved were: Steven Bills; responsible for modelling, texturing, set dressing, rendering and compositing. Alex Goodfellow; for rigging, animation and transitions. Tom Kelly, the Director; for Art direction, story, effects, cinematography and animation. We also had production help from Benjamin Riehl and our composer Scott Hazell.

My roles were: story, concept art, character development, boat design, text, animation and credits. For a much more extensive breakdown of my work on this project you can check out my major project report. (sorry about the image quality, but thats the only way I could upload such a big .pdf) is the animation's site where more information on the film (release and festival dates and the like) and artist bio's can be found.

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