Saturday 8 January 2011

Character Design Project (concept)

So, one of my units for 3rd year is a master-class project, where we chose from a selection of briefs from different companies/lecturers and then you get about 4 weeks or so to do it (its expected to take up about 2 weeks of dedicated time).

I chose the character design master-class from Sony Cambridge, and so, I am designing a boss character for a Ratchet & Clank game

I did a fair few concepts, but then found this little doodle in one of my sketchbooks and thought the silhouette was really nice, and with a bit more character could work.

So I made it into a crusader style knight/robot. Currently going by the fairly unimaginative 'Mr.Knight'. Quite pleased with the weight and humour of this concept, though I really need to make sure the limbs are consistent in design and do more research into crusader-era armour.

Trying to figure out the 3D shape and weighting of the character I made a mock up of the design so far using articles from my 'interesting materials' box. In total it took about 4 hours to make.

And this is me posing it for photos for some idea of scale.

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