Tuesday 25 January 2011

Final Line Work

This is the complete orthographics of the character out of costume and design orthographics of his costume. Appart from the hat, which I cant seem to figure out in 2D, this is everything as it should be modelled in3D.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Reference Collages

Here is the reference material I have been using.

monsters, costume, anatomy, texture

existing Ratchet & Clank character design

existing Ratchet & Clank colours, textures and effects

The awesome character designs for Rachet & Clank were done by Creature Box. Seriously, check them out!

Refined Design & Colour Concepts

This is the refined design of the character. Will need to figure out the texture of the characters skin (so far I'm thinking frog-like).

And these are the colour concepts I've been trying to figure out. I am awful with colour schemes and so have been relying a lot on kuler (colour palette creator website/tool).

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Boss Body

I think I have finally figured out the anatomy of the boss character.

So then I put it into a suit of armour.

I thought that the design feels Ratchet and Clank-ey enough, but just not very threatening or particularly interesting. So I looked at other typical genres and after some initial sketches thought cowboy had good potential.

I really like this character, tho I really need to work on the costume and the colours (and also the massive hands make the gun designs rather ungainly). This guy is a prospector, he owns a mining planet on which Ratchet and Clanks investigating has shed light on dodgy dealings and work conditions (or something like that but more funny).

Saturday 15 January 2011

Guy Inside Armour /Silhouette

Im trying to figure out what the creature inside the knights armour looks like, and work on its silhouette, making sure it suits the Ratchet & Clank universe.

From leftmost sketch was trying to fit some humanoid creature into the current silhouette. The next one working out the anatomy of that creature (its left and right sides are different, and I prefer the left side). Then, an exaggerated proportions silhouette which I felt was far too generic, so for the next sketch I made the anatomy more physically impossible, focusing on exaggerating the elements I enjoyed from the initial concept(large belly and forearms, stubby legs, no neck).

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Developing Character

Currently, I'm developing the silhouette of the character and simplifying the design. I'm thinking its too obviously a knight and there is not much of a historical aspect with the Ratchet & Clank series so I will take it in a more robot/alien direction from here, and also start to figure out colours as they are probably the most appealing aspect of the Ratchet & Clank visual aesthetic.

Saturday 8 January 2011

Character Design Project (concept)

So, one of my units for 3rd year is a master-class project, where we chose from a selection of briefs from different companies/lecturers and then you get about 4 weeks or so to do it (its expected to take up about 2 weeks of dedicated time).

I chose the character design master-class from Sony Cambridge, and so, I am designing a boss character for a Ratchet & Clank game

I did a fair few concepts, but then found this little doodle in one of my sketchbooks and thought the silhouette was really nice, and with a bit more character could work.

So I made it into a crusader style knight/robot. Currently going by the fairly unimaginative 'Mr.Knight'. Quite pleased with the weight and humour of this concept, though I really need to make sure the limbs are consistent in design and do more research into crusader-era armour.

Trying to figure out the 3D shape and weighting of the character I made a mock up of the design so far using articles from my 'interesting materials' box. In total it took about 4 hours to make.

And this is me posing it for photos for some idea of scale.