I made a tortoise (definitely not a turtle) walk cycle .gif and thought it might be useful to share a little of the process.
In flash I did a quick character design for a tortoise. I then cut the design into pieces, turned each piece into a symbol and used them to block out how I thought the tortoise might move. I then used the blocked out animation as reference for drawing animating the legs, and remade the shell so I could give it a 3D swaying effect. I also redid the head and neck in order to make a slightly more complex dip.
In flash I did a quick character design for a tortoise. I then cut the design into pieces, turned each piece into a symbol and used them to block out how I thought the tortoise might move. I then used the blocked out animation as reference for drawing animating the legs, and remade the shell so I could give it a 3D swaying effect. I also redid the head and neck in order to make a slightly more complex dip.
Hope you like it, I really enjoyed it and hope to do more.