Wednesday 14 March 2012

Bear House Diner Logo Design

I have just submitted a logo and branding for an eatery called "Bear House Diner". I found out about this through a website called concept cupboard. Basically clients submit their brief to the site with a budget and deadline, and anyone who wants to get the project submits their idea. This has been my first brief using concept cupboard so I'm not entirely sure how well the whole thing works, but I guess I'll find out in due course.

Basically, the brief was to design a logo and colour scheme for the "Bear House Diner", ideally incorporating a bear paw motif to be used on interior decorations.

 some of the initial sketches

logo development

logo design simple

logo design coloured

I submitted a couple of variations on the same bear silhouette and font as I imagine the diner would want to use slight variations depending on the media they are branding (menus, signage, flyers etc.).