Sunday 20 November 2011

BIMA Awards & Graduation

 Myself & Dan on our way to the awards in Fabric

Well, this news is a little late, but this month Dan and myself went to London for the BIMA awards, as Octopult was nominated in the Student category. Unfortunately we did not win, but it was a fun night. We met nice people, ate lots of fancy food, and played some games.

This was shortly followed by some accknowledgement for spending a large portion of the past 3 years in front of a computer in various locations within Weymouth house. This came in the form of a graduation ceremony (I'm at 51:20). It was a great finish to a wonderful 3 years and I hope and expect to see many of my fellow BACVA's soon.

wearing fancy robes & throwing hats

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Lunchometer Is Alive

Lunchometer is a project I was working on during my short but sweet time at Thought Den.
To quote from the Thought Den blog:

Everybody likes lunch, but it’s a minefield out there. What’s needed is an easy method, preferably built in flash and colourised in earthy tones, for rating and sharing your favourite lunch spots.

As the initial concept and technical stuff was already there, it was my job to design the visuals for the application and website and give it some character. I am really proud of it and I hope anyone stumbling across this blog will enjoy it too. Check it out!

This is what it does, cool right!